Cráb People

[Accepted] X-Realm Warlock application
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Author:  Doobs [ Sun May 15, 2011 3:38 pm ]
Post subject:  [Accepted] X-Realm Warlock application

Character Name: Dooby

Character Class: Warlock

Character Talent Spec: Affliction (32/3/6), Demonology (0/31/10)

Character WoWArmory Link: ... y/advanced

Character /played: 241 days 18 hours 20 minutes 45 seconds

Your Age: 30

Your Location and Time Zone: London (UTC/GMT)

Your Hardware and Connection: Intel quad i7 core, 4gb ram, ATI Radeon 5570 HD.
Internet 20mb cable line.

Can you speak on Ventrilo? Yes

Detailed schedule. List the days and hours you are normally available.Currently I am on a home study course studying computer games development. I am
unemployed atm but looking for a small part-time job. Being a GM and Raid Leader
in previous guilds I am used to prioritising progress and arranging my life
around WoW, this is not a problem.

Brief history. Previous guilds and reasons for leaving.
Tier11 - present:
<Pariah> GM/RL. Leaving because the guild is folding. We are
on a dying server with no other raiding Horde guilds, and there are absolutely
no applicants.

Tier9 - Tier10: <Tanked & Spanked> Joined because I knew the Raid Leader there.
He wanted me to take over the 10man team leading to give him a break. We managed
to get all the Horde 1sts in heroic ToC. Left because at the time I preferred
10s, and once they were on the same lockout I had to make a choice, so I joined
some old buddies to make a new Cata 10s guild.

Tier4 - Tier8: <The Nefarious> GM'd by a real life friend of mine, I joined
because he was recruiting good players and he asked me. At the time my current
guild was folding so I was happy to transfer. Left because the guild folded.

Tier1 - Tier3: <The Killer Bunnies> My first real raiding guild. It was a huge
learning experience for me. Left because at the end of Vanilla a lot of guilds
didn't survive the transition from 40mans to 25mans, and ours was one of them.

PVE Experience. List all raid instances and notable bosses you have defeated.
What do you like about PVE? What don't you like about PVE?

All normals cleared (10man)
6/13 heroics cleared (10man): Halfus, V&T, Magmaw, Maloriak, Chimaeron,
Atramedes. Currently working on ODS.

Tier 7: All cleared within week 1 of release, and all server 1sts except
Sartharion because we were attempting Sarth3D. All those server 1sts are
probably my most notable achievement, and losing out on Immortal by one week due
to a dc on Kel'Thuzad was,,,,infuriating lol
Tier 8: All cleared, hard modes completed at the appropriate gear level except
Yogg Saron achieves.
Tier 9: All cleared. Horde 1sts on 10man heroics
Tier 10: All cleared.
Ruby Sanctum: Cleared 10 and 25. Server 1st 10man heroic.

Tier 4: All cleared
Tier 5: All cleared pre attunement nerf
Tier 6: All cleared pre attunement nerf

Tier 1: All cleared. Full Tier 1 set still in my bank btw :P
Tier 2; No experience
Tier 3: No experience

What I like most about PvE raiding is working together as a team. Its an amazing
feeling. Iæve been playing this game for seven years and it still gives me the
same feeling.
What I like least about PvE is probably not directly about PvE but more about
the way Blizzard moves the goalposts for this game all the time. Vanilla and TBC
were great, raid-wise, but then WOTLK kind of destroyed it all and you can still
feel it in Cata when you get in a PUG with someone who is *ahem* differently
abled at the game.

fI currently float around 30k gold. We have a bank system in Pariah which buys
all consumables, BoEs, etc so I don't really do any farming atm, but needing to
is not a problem.
In my bags I always keep: 1 stack of flasks, 2 stacks of food, 2 stacks of
volcanic pots. I also make sure I have Soulstone in my bags ready for a rez, and
soulwell before every pull.

Knowledge and theorycraft. Do you read theory about your class? How do you keep
yourself up to date? Which sites and forums do you visit?

I read about my class every day. I check MMO, read the latest posts on Elitist
Jerks. If there is a big change coming up I make sure I get on the PTR to test
it for myself before live, and I make sure I am always prepared and know my
rotations/prio list inside and out.

Tools. Name a few add-ons that are essential for your role in PVE raids.
Describe your keybindings: no need for a full list, but give an overview of your
most important abilities and the bindings you have chosen for them. Provide a
link to a screenshot of your interface.

ForteXorcist: I use this primarily for spell timers, with next tick shown so I
can time dots correctly. It also shows me short cooldowns, like Haunt, Chaos
Bolt etc. I configure this so that I only see the spells I want to.
Omen: Whilst not essential these days (and I have raided without it) I still
find it nice to see a list of people's threat. Nice for things like the nuke
phase of Chimaeron where being able to see who is next on the threat list is
DBM: Again not essential and again I have raided without, but I find it useful
for an addon to be able to pull that information into timers.

My keybinds: I try to keep everything around my left hand so i dont tend to bind
many keys beyond the 5TGV mark on the keyboard. I use Ctrl, Shift, and Alt as
well. I raid with a standard Razer mouse, which has healthstone bound to the
middle mouse scrollwheel click. Briefly: Shadowbolt(1), UA(2), Corruption(3),
Haunt(F), SoulSwap(R), CoE(Alt-1), CoD(Alt-5), Drain Soul(F2). I have pretty
much every spell bound except spells I never use (Eye of Killrog etc). ... 230853.jpg This is the
UI I use, though not mine personally. I can provide an exact screenshot of my UI
tomorrow when I am home (currently on holiday), but it looks exactly like this
really, just purple :P

Report. Provide a few reports or stats of you in action.
You can see all our logs here, you'll see that the majority of the time I am
near the top around 21-22k dps, unless ofc I have a specific job to do. These
are usually whilst Raid Leading. ... 68&e=11430 ... 53&e=10918

Contact. How can we contact you if your application is accepted (MSN, irc,

You can contact me on MSN( or you can just reply to this
email. I have both open all day whilst I am studying.

Extra stuff. Feel free to add things.
My passion is raiding with competent people, getting new bosses down and farming
to give the best edge for the next tier. Its all part of the machine. I always
try to improve, to eek out the most from my class and provide my raid with the
best chances possible.

Oh also I play guitar. Not very well lol.

Thank you for taking the time to read my application. Please feel free to
contact me if you have any questions at all. Take care :)

Author:  Shgz [ Sun May 15, 2011 3:45 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: X-Realm Warlock application

rly solid application.. giving you a thumbs up

Author:  Qrious [ Sun May 15, 2011 5:55 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: X-Realm Warlock application

Not a bad application, well set out and paragraphed to not cause a strain.

I think 2 stacks of pots may be too few for 1 raid night tho, I like to keep at least 100 on me at all times! Food and flasks isn't really a problem but having some spare is nice incase you miss either.

Anyway best of luck with the app :)

Author:  Doobs [ Sun May 15, 2011 6:15 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: X-Realm Warlock application

Hehe well its what I'm used to with my current guild. I'm not hurting for bag space (not since the soulshard change), so whatever is required. I mean, its just a matter of topping up after every raid :)

I like to keep flasks and food on me even though we use fish feast/cauldren just in case. For instance, you can be brought into a raid to replace someone and its not really viable to waste a whole cauldren on one person ;)

Author:  Noui [ Sun May 15, 2011 9:27 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: X-Realm Warlock application

I'm going to accept you on trial. Transfer over when you can and whisper a officer for guildinvite.

PS. change the gems in your belt and your boots, int > hit, always.

Author:  Doobs [ Sun May 15, 2011 10:00 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: [Accepted] X-Realm Warlock application

Coolbeans, I'll get those gems sorted tonight and transfer tomorrow.

Thank you for this opportunity.

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